How Do I Join?

Begin by showing up! Just being with us is the first step toward belonging.
Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20

Let us know you’re here! Please give us your contact information by signing our guest book. We’ll be in touch with you to extend our welcome and answer any questions you may have.

  • If you are coming to St. Christopher’s from another Episcopal parish and want to make St. Christopher’s your permanent home, fill in a form to allow us to request a letter of transfer from your previous parish. Speak to our Rector for a copy of the form.
  • If you were baptized in another Christian denomination and have decided you now want to make St. Christopher’s your spiritual home, please note that you want to be enrolled as a Baptized Member of St. Christopher’s.
  • If you haven’t been baptized, you can learn more about Baptism at St. Christopher’s. Our Rector would be happy to talk with you about what Baptism would mean for you.

Read more about us on the FAQ page. If you have other questions, please feel free to speak with Pastor Chrysanne, our rector.