Church of the Wild Leelanau

Church of the Wild is a growing movement dedicated to helping people reconnect to the sacred all around us in the vibrant and living world. It is an experiential encounter with the Divine, a chance to be with others and in the silence of God for a time.

We gather outside as much as possible, and provide time to both be with others and in silence. Though there’s an opportunity to wander on the land, we are making specific provisions for those who cannot walk far.

Our next gathering will be 3 pm on Sunday, September 22, at the Indian Methodist Camp on Camp Haven Road (roughly a mile south of Northport and 2 miles north of Omena). Come down Camp Haven Rd from M-22, and you’ll see a bank of mailboxes on your right side. Immediately past the mailboxes is a driveway to the right that enters the old Indian Camp Ground. There is a covered, but open sided building as well, which is helpful if we have inclement weather.

Bring a camp chair if you have one. Feel free also to bring drinks and/or snacks.

Gatherings are more informal than most typical church services. Though each gathering varies, they typically include:

  • brief conversation so people know each other
  • words to help us center us with each other and the world around us
  • an opportunity to sit or wander and listen to the natural world
  • time for each of us to optionally share our experiences
  • closing words and a sending

Come as you are, whether you consider yourself Christian or not. Come experience the God who has created, redeemed, and sustains you and all the world in a new way.

With questions and/or to be put on our growing list for people interested in our Church of the Wild, drop us a note at